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All orders over $25.00 in the USA ship free! is your source for high quality metal, plastic and nylon spudger pry tools. The spudger tool is largely used in the cell phone repair industry and other industries that work with electronics and electrostatic sensitive devices. Our selection of spudger tools is second to none and in most cases your spudgers will ship out the same or next business day! Proudly serving customers worldwide!
The lifting, opening and prying tool for cell phone and electronics repair.
Spudger Definition
A spudger is a tool that is used to assist with opening, prying, installing and removing components from objects such as electronics. A spudger is manufactured with various metals including stainless steel, fiber glass nylon materials and plastics. Some spudgers are anti-conductive and okay to use with electro static sensitive devices (ESD).
Pronunciation: spʌd • dʒər What is a spudger?
A spudger is a tool that is commonly used in cell phone repair as well as the repair of electronic components found in desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets and other electronic devices. There are several types of spudger tools which consist of different materials which are appropriate for each task. For instance, a premium thin metal spudger may be well suited for removing a digitizer from the frame of a mobile phone where a plastic spudger may be better suited for disconnecting flex cables from the logic board within a cell phone.
With that said, there is no best spudger however there are numerous spudgers that are good for specific tasks in regards to repair and assembly of electronic equipment.
Types of Spudger Tool
A spudger tool usually consists of plastic, nylon, metal, stainless steel or wood. Each material has it’s advantages over the other and we explain how these tools can be used.
Metal Spudger
A metal spudger usually consists of a sturdy handle and may be single or double sided and is most commonly manufactured with a stainless steel or Teflon alloy. In some cases these spudgers can be sharpened or worn down should the tip be blunt when you require a thin tip. Premium metal spudgers usually have ultra-thin ends which may bend however reform should too much pressure be applied during a repair or pry opening process.

Nylon Spudger
A nylon spudger comes in several different styles, some are manufacturers to aid during the soldering process while others are made to help with prying, attaching or detaching components from a printed circuit board or PCB. The construction of this spudger varies depending on the manufacturer and range from flexible to rigid which largely depends whether the tool has been fiber re-enforced or not. A nylon spudger is normally double ended and may have a notch cut out of it to hold a wire during the soldering process. This type of spudger is commonly referred to as a Blackstick or Black Spudger Stick and is non-conductive so it will not damage electro static sensitive components.

Plastic Spudger
A plastic spudger can be used for countless tasks however is more likely to break down or need to be replaced sooner than metal or nylon spudgers. The plastic materials are more likely to wear down, sometimes in a single use so it is important to understand the proper way to use these tools to insure they do not end up trash after a single use. A plastic spudger or plastic pry tool is usually good for light prying and device opening as well as removing or attaching components on a logic board or circuit board where an anti-static tool should be used.
Beyond the construction material of the spudger tool, there are some other types of this tool that might be suit the needs of your repair.
Heavy Duty Spudger
A heavy duty spudger should be considered in applications where large amounts of prying and force may be applied to the tool. Using tools that are flexible rather then ridged in an application where you need to pry parts apart will likely result in damage to the tool itself and possibly components of the device you are repairing. There are numerous types of heavy duty spudger constructed with various metals, hardened nylon fiberglass, and hardened plastics where these tools will give you leverage to pry apart parts from laptop computers, desktop computers, cell phones and other electronics.
Pry Bar Spudger
A pry bar spudger is a tool that is made specifically for prying components apart. Sometimes these components may be secured with adhesives and glue that make it difficult to separate parts. In some cases a pry bar will give you the leverage needed to separate these parts. In other cases, a tool like this can also be used to remove simple components which may have small amounts of adhesive securing it but it will get in at the perfect angle. An example of this could be a battery that is seated within a cell phone.
Toothpick Spudger
A toothpick spudger is pretty close to what you would imagine it to be. More commonly though, the toothpick is referred to as part of the spudger that is pointy and can be used for pushing and probing parts within a device.
Wirehook Spudger
A wirehook spudger is a tool that has a notch in the side of the tool where a wire can be seated to hold a wire in place during the soldering process. There are several manufacturers who produce this type of spudger and their density and durability largely differs depending on the material that is used in the manufacturing process.
Spudger Uses
The spudger tool can most commonly be found being used in the cell phone repair industry but is also used by government agencies which might include NASA and other sectors which work with small electronic components. Major companies who might use a spudger in the manufacturing process could include Samsung, Apple, Dell, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Nintendo, Motorola and any other manufacturer of consumer electronics.
In the cell phone repair industry a spudger is commonly referred to as a cell phone pry opening tool and can used through most of the repair process which can include case opening or removing a LCD digitizer display from the bezel of the cell phone, separating an LCD from the front glass digitizer, disconnecting a flex cable, to remove a logic board and during battery replacement where the battery needs to be listed from the main body or case of the cell phone.
In PC repair a spudger can be used to disassemble the bezel of a laptop or monitors as well to help remove excess thermal paste from a cpu or heat sink. In major computer repairs where a motherboard may need to be refurbished a spudger can be used in the application of removing defective components and installing new components with solder.
Other uses for a spudger could include a number of tasks in the home or in the kitchen. An at home DIY project might require to remove silicone from around a pipe or in the siding of the house. The right spudger can help you to scrape off excess or old silicone so that you can apply new silicone onto a clean surface.
Device Repair
The #1 use for a spudger is to help repair electronic devise. Commonly, these tools are used in the cell phone or mobile phone repair markets as well as to work with circuit boards, logic boards and motherboards commonly found in consumer electronics.
Some common devices a spudger might be used to repair include:
Amazon Kindle
Apple iPad
Apple iPhone
Apple iPod
Asus Tablets
Car Stereo
Computer Monitors
Desktop Computers
Google Chromebook
Google Chromecast
Google Nexus
Google Pixel
Laptop Computers
Laptop Screens
LG Electronics
LG Smartphones
Mac Mini
Microsoft Xbox
Microsoft Xbox One
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS XL
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Wii
Samsung Galaxy Smartphone
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Samsung Note
Samsung Tablet
Where to Buy a Spudger
We realize that big box stores do not carry spudgers and finding one in a near you is unlikely. With that, we take pride in the fact that we keep items in stock and are able to ship spudgers quickly; in some cases you can receive your order the next business day.
Bulk Pricing
When making your purchase, wholesale pricing is automatically applied when you place large quantities of spudgers into your shopping cart.
We ship spudgers worldwide and can provide express shipping to customers who elect this option during check out. In most cases items are shipped via USPS First Class or USPS Priority Mail.
Some locations we ship to include:
United Kingdom
United States
Don't see your country listed here? Odds are we still ship to you! Click here to see a complete list of countries we ship to.
Abu Dhabi Admiralty Islands Afghanistan Aitutaki, Cook Islands Ajman Aland Island Albania Alberta Alderney Algeria Alhucemas Alofi Island American Samoa Andaman Islands Andorra Angola Anguilla Anjouan Annobon Island Antigua Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Astypalaia Atafu Atiu, Cook Islands Australia Austria Avarua Azerbaijan Azores Bahamas Bahrain Balearic Islands Balochistan Bangladesh Banks Island Barbados Barbuda Barthelemy Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bismark Archipelago Bolivia Bonaire Borabora Borneo Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Bougainville Bourbon Brazil British Columbia British Guiana British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Buka Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Caicos Islands Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Islands Canton Island Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Ceuta Ceylon Chad Chaferinas Islands Chalki Channel Islands Chile China Christiansted, US Virgin Islands Christmas Island Chuuk, Micronesia Cocos Island Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Corisco Island Corsica Costa Rica Cote d?Ivoire Crete Croatia Cuba Cumino Island Curacao Cyjrenaica Cyprus Czech Republic Dahomey Damao Danger Islands Denmark Desirade Island Diu Djibouti Dodecanese Islands Doha Dominica Dominican Republic Dubai East Timor Ebeye, Marshall Islands Ecuador Egypt Eire El Salvador Ellice Islands Elobey Islands Enderbury Island England Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fakaofo Falkland Islands Fanning Island Faroe Islands Fernando Po Fezzan Fiji Finland Formosa France Frederiksted, US Virgin Islands French Guiana French Oceania French Polynesia French West Indies Friendly Islands Fujairah Futuna Gabon Gambia Gambier Georgia, Republic of Germany Ghana Gibraltar Gilbert Islands Goa Gozo Island Grand Comoro Great Britain and Northern Ireland Greece Greenland Grenada Grenadines Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea?Bissau Guyana Hainan Island Haiti Hashemite Kingdom Hervey, Cook Islands Hivaoa Holland Honduras Hong Kong Huahine Huan Island Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Irian Barat Isle of Man Isle of Pines Isle of Pines, West Indies Israel Issas Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jersey Johore Jordan Kalymnos Kampuchea Karpathos Kassos Kastellorizon Kazakhstan Kedah Keeling Islands Kelantan Kenya Kingshill, US Virgin Islands Kiribati Korea, Democratic People?s Republic of Korea, Republic of Koror Kos Kosovo, Republic of Kosrae, Micronesia Kowloon Kuwait Kwajalein, Marshall Islands Kyrgyzstan Labrador Labuan Laos Latvia Lebanon Leipsos Leros Les Saints Island Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Lord Howe Island Loyalty Islands Luxembourg Macao Macau Macedonia, Republic of Madagascar Madeira Islands Majuro, Marshall Islands Malacca Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Manahiki Manchuria Manitoba Manua Islands, American Samoa, Marie Galante Marquesas Islands Marshall Islands, Republic of the Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Melilla Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Miquelon Moheli Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Moorea Morocco Mozambique Muscat Myanmar Namibia Nansil Islands Nauru Negri Sembilan Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles Nevis New Britain New Brunswick New Caledonia New Hanover New Hebrides New Ireland New South Wales New Zealand Newfoundland Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Nissiros Niue Norfolk Island North Borneo North Korea Northern Ireland Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of, Northwest Territory Norway Nova Scotia Nukahiva Nukunonu Ocean Island Okinawa Oman Ontario Pago Pago, American Samoa Pahang Pakistan Palau Palmerston, Avarua Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Parry, Cook Islands Patmos Pemba Penang Penghu Islands Penon de Velez de la Gomera Penrhyn, Tongareva Perak Perlis Persia Peru Pescadores Islands Petite Terre Philippines Pitcairn Island Pohnpei, Micronesia Poland Portugal Prince Edward Island Puerto Rico Pukapuka Qatar Quebec Queensland Quemoy Raiatea Rakaanga Rapa Rarotonga, Cook Islands Ras al Kaimah Redonda Reunion Rio Muni Rodos Rodrigues Romania Rota, Northern Mariana Islands Russia Rwanda Saba Sabah Saint Barthelemy Saint Bartholomew Saint Croix, US Virgin Islands Saint Helena Saint John, US Virgin Islands Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Thomas, US Virgin Islands Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sainte Marie de Madagascar Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands Salvador Samoa Samoa, American San Marino Santa Cruz Islands Sao Tome and Principe Sarawak Sark Saskatchewan Saudi Arabia Savage Island, Niue Savaii Island Scotland Seberang Perai Selangor Senegal Serbia, Republic of Seychelles Sharja Shikoku Sierra Leone Sikkim Singapore Sint Eustatius Sint Maarten Slovak Republic Slovenia Society Islands Solomon Islands Somali Democratic Republic Somalia Somaliland South Africa South Australia South Georgia South Korea Spain Spitzbergen Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Suwarrow Islands Swain?s Island, American Samoa Swan Islands Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Symi Syrian Arab Republic Tahaa Tahiti Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Tasmania Tchad Thailand Thursday Island Tibet Tilos Timor Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands Tobago Togo Tokelau Tonga Tongareva Tori Shima Torres Island Trans-Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom Transkei Trengganu Trinidad and Tobago Tripolitania Tristan da Cunha Trucial States Tuamotou Tubuai Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tutuila Island, American Samoa Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine Umm Said Umm al Quaiwain United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Nations, New York United States Upolu Island Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Victoria Vietnam Virgin Islands Wales Wallis and Futuna Islands Wellesley, Province West New Guinea Western Australia Yap, Micronesia Yemen Yukon Territory Zafarani Islands Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe
If there is anything we haven't covered or you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (833) 778-3437 or by email at